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Writer's picture: Escola Lydia YvoneEscola Lydia Yvone

1) Na charge, a frase "You'd better hurry", poderia ser substituída, sem perder o efeito de sentido, por

a) You may hurry.

b) You have to hurry.

c) You should hurry.

d) You maybe hurry.

2) Job Interviewing Do's and Don'ts for Job-Seekers

Here are some keys to successful job interviewing. Job-seekers who follow these simple rules and guidelines must achieve success in this important phase of job-hunting.

1. Do your research and know the type of job interview you will encounter, prepare and practice for the interview, but don't memorize or over-rehearse your answers.

2. Dress the part for the job, the company, the industry. And do err on the side of conservatism.

3. Plan to arrive about 10 minutes early. Late arrival for a job interview is never excusable. If you are running late, phone the company.

4. Bring extra resumes to the interview.

5. Shake hands firmly. Don't have a limp or clammy handshake!

6. Don’t use poor language, slang, and pause words (such as "like," "uh," and "um").

Para ser bem-sucedido na entrevista, o candidato ao emprego deve

a) planejar sua pesquisa e memorizar as respostas.

b) levar resumos extras e ter um aperto de mão forte.

c) evitar a linguagem vulgar e chegar alguns minutos mais cedo.

d) preparar as respostas memorizando-as antecipadamente.

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