--> Reading and comprehension
Where are you from? (De onde você é?)
_ Are you Brazilian?
_ No, I am not.
_ Where are you from?
_ I am from Mexico. I am Mexican. In Mexico we wear big hats.
_ Are you American?
_ Yes, I am. I am from New York, a big city in the United States.
_ Is that man African?
_ No, he is not African.
_ Where is he from?
_ He is from Germany. He is Germany. He is German. He likes beer.
_ Are they Japanese?
_ Oh, no! They are not Japanese.
_ Where are they from?
_ They are from Rome, the capital of Italy. They like macaroni very much. And wine, too.
_ Where are you from?
_ I am from Rio, a large city in Brazil.
_ Ah, Brazil! The country of gentle people, the land of Carnival!
_ Who are they?
_They are Japanese, workers.
_ Are they lazy?
_ No, they are very busy! They work very hard!
--> De acordo com a leitura do texto e com ajuda de um dicionário/tradutor, responda:
1. Quais países e nacionalidades aparecem no texto?
2. Encontre, no texto, um ALIMENTO.
3. Grife e traduza as palavras que você reconhecer.
4. De acordo com o texto, Roma é a capital de que país?
5. A frase “In Mexico we wear big hats” fala sobre o que as pessoas usam no México. O que são “BIG HATS”?
6. Large, busy, big, hard, gentle, worker. Essas palavras são ADJETIVOS, ou seja, são características. Traduza cada uma delas.
7. De acordo com o texto, o Brasil é a terra do ___________. Complete.
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