--> Reading and comprehension
SANDRA I had a really terrible weekend. My boyfriend took me out to this really expensive restaurant. In the middle of our dinner, he gave me a very beautiful ring and he asked me to marry him. I was really surprised. I said no. I like him, but I knew I didn’t want to marry him. He was quite angry and sad. It was awful.
--> Answer according to the text (in portuguese):
1. Traduza o título do texto (My weekend).
2. Qual o assunto do texto? Sobre quem o texto fala?
3. O dia foi bom ou ruim para a personagem?
4. Aonde ela foi? Com quem?
5. O que ela ganhou e qual pedido foi feito a ela? Ela aceitou?
6. Anote todas as palavras que você reconhece e traduza.
7. Adjetivos são palavras que indicam CARACTERÍSTICAS. Anote os adjetivos que encontrar no texto e traduza.