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  • Writer's pictureEscola Lydia Yvone


Students, leia o texto a seguir para responder ás questões seguintes. Atentem-se para as informações mais explícitas. Selecionem os cognatos para ajudar na tradução. Percebam que o vocabulário do texto não é difícil, mas mesmo assim, em caso de dúvidas, estou á disposição no WhatsApp. Bons estudos!!

Biografia - Renato Russo

Renato Russo was born in Rio de Janeiro, on March 27, 1960. His real name was Renato Manfredini Jr. He was a Brazilian singer and songwriter. His first band was a punk rock band called "Aborto Elétrico". It then finished and its members formed two new bands: "Capital Inicial" and "Legião Urbana". Renato Russo was the leader of Legião Urbana. He was the most important composer of Brazilian rock. He died on October 11, 1996, because of complications caused by AIDS.


1. The genre of the text is a) the news. b) chronic. c) biography. d) report.

2. The text you read is intended to a) talk about someone's life. b) advertise an advertisement. c) sell a product. d) report a news item.

3. Complete a frase corretamente de acordo com o texto: Renato Russo was ___________ years old when he died. a) sixty b) fifty-one c) eleven d) thirty-six

4. Faça a tradução do texto.

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